Success stories within Innovation

To secure North-Middle Sweden’s competitiveness for the future, business promoters in Värmland, Dalarna and Gävleborg have organised training courses in service-driven business development. In simple terms, it is about increasing companies’ profitability by developing value-adding offers with the customer’s needs in focus. “This training opened up the mind to how you can work with services,” says Lina Bylund, who completed the training.
From an EU perspective, North-Middle Sweden is below average in terms of investment in research and innovation. At the same time, it is a region well placed to create sustainable regional development through rich natural resources and prominent industries. A number of initiatives are currently underway to make better use of these opportunities. Here are a few examples.
A long-term effort to secure industry’s access to critical spare parts and components is now underway. The aim is to contribute to a competitive industry by reducing the risk of supply chain disruptions.